Saturday, March 31, 2007

A week (or two) in review

Well, so much for keeping this blog up to date, boy, time does fly! And I didn't even go anywhere. It's actually fitting that the post to follow my last one "spring has sprung" includes the mention that in fact we did see some snow. I knew it'd come back to haunt me when I said, "for the 1st time in my life I didn't see snow during winter" Well, it was just waiting for spring to arrive, silly me, why would I expect snow in winter?!? Yes, it snowed for one whole day, very tolerable. Unfortunately it was the wet soupy kind so snowballs were not easy to make. The kids' reaction that morning was of course priceless. As I opened the shutters in front, the girls yell "It's snowing", I continue opening shutters, now in the kitchen and dining room. The girls run over looking outside and say "it's snowing in the backyard too!!" This continued for some time as they noticed how it was snowing on the fence, the flowers etc..... Kevin was also excited but thought of a more practical use for it when he said, "Santa could have used this snow on Xmas eve". Yes how true that is. An aside, I've been wondering how many more Christmas's I have with him believing in Santa. He's certainly asking a lot more questions but seems to believe fully, I'm hoping I've got at least one more with all 3 of them believing. It'll be interesting to see how he'll be able to manage to keep that secret to himself and not tell his little sisters, but I digress........

What other exciting events happened?? Well, I went out to a St. Patrick's party which was in a village not too far from here. The community center was decorated as if it was a typical pub in Ireland and that included the no smoking! How wonderful to spend an evening out without the smoke killing my eyes and sinuses! (A no smoking law just went into effect in France the beginning of Feb) Delicious home made Irish Beef Stew was served and for entertainment there was a great band singing Irish/Scottish songs. They were amazing and had many in the crowd fooled into thinking they were in fact Irish but no, they're as French as the Eiffel Tower, they (just) do a fantastic job singing Celtic music. The main organizer of this annual event is an Irish woman who lives in the village. A fellow expat who really knows how to throw an fun Irish party!
On one of the walls was placed the following called "Irish Philosophy" I love it!

In life, there are only two things to worry about,
either you are well, or you are sick.
If you are well, there is nothing to worry about,
but if you are sick, you have two things to worry about;
either you will live, or you will die.
If you live, there is nothing to worry about, if you die, you have two things to worry about;
either you will go to heaven or to hell.
If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about,
but if you go to hell,
you'll be so busy shaking hands with your friends,
you won't have time to worry!

And here's yours truly, enjoying the festivities........

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Another highlight during these last two weeks was an evening out to eat with my husband, alone.
A peaceful, enjoyable meal where I wasn't cutting up some one's food, it was heaven! Wow, I'm pretty sure this would be a record, two evenings out in one month. The times, they are a changin', thankfully!
Now of course all this wonderful karma would have to come to an end, and it did when we all got hit with some flu/viral thing which left us all coughing, aching, feverish, basically your classic NyQuil commercial. It's amazing how it passes from one right on down, in 2 day intervals, me being the last victim. I'm finally getting my voice back today. The kids were out the whole week of school.
We picked up Kevin's work when school got out this morning. At least he'll have spring break to catch up. It's vacation time here once again.
Which means it's T-4 days until we head to Disneyland. I'm pretty sure they'll have recovered from this latest illness in time to go. That's the only thing I kept thinking last week was at least this flu didn't hit the week we go to Disney. So far the weather is looking good for the two days we'll be there. Sunny and in the 60's. I can handle that! And in order to accurately record this trip, I finally found a new digital camera. I decided on a Canon Powershot and I'm really happy with it. A huge improvement over my old dig camera.
So now I'm off to start writing lists of what to bring and to do while we're at Disneyland. Yet another week that'll go by fast.


Barbara said...

Hi Margie,

I hope that you are all feeling better now.
I'am sure that your children can't wait to get to EuroDisney ! A real treat for them.
Nice to see you in photo :)

Jennifer said...

Looks like you've been having some fun lately!

Kim/Thomas said...

Hi Margie!

I just found your blog, and I am too from Chicago:)

I will keep reading:) but since we were both from Chi town..I wanted to be a good midwesterner and introduce myself:) (er rather, de-lurk myself:)


Betty Carlson said...

That's great you got to celebrate St.Pat's Day -- especially being from Chicago! I've never made much of it here, but of course I'm neither Irish nor of Irish descent nor from a big American city with a lot of St. Paddy's Day followers...

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm an Australian moving to Metz in a few months to be with my fiance, i'm so glad to find your blog.