Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Dreams do come true!

Five years ago this evening I found out I was having twins. It's a moment in time I'll never forget. I'll never forget the look on my husband's face as the doctor said, not even 20 seconds into the ultrasound, "I think I see two" I thought my husband's eyes would pop out. It was priceless! He was standing behind the doctor and so had a perfect view of the monitor. When he tells this story he likes to say he actually saw the two blinking dots (the babies' hearts) before the doctor said anything and said to himself, "I must be seeing double or else we're having twins". My reaction to this announcement was "No, that's not true!" Then I proceeded to pick up my head and turn slightly since the monitor was behind me and sure enough there were two beating hearts. It was an amazing sight to see to say the least. And then as I laid my head down again, I remember thinking, "I knew it". I was completely shocked and surprised and at the same time I was not surprised. It was a strange feeling. In fact two weeks prior to my appointment I had had a dream that I was having twins.
I immediately dismissed it since there was no reason to believe that. No twins in our families, no other reason to give me such an idea, I had never thought of having twins or wished it. On the way to the appt. I remember joking in the car saying to my husband, "don't forget I had a dream it was twins" To which he replied, "yeah let's just keep it that way". But I really didn't believe it until I saw the proof on the screen. The doc also said during the first ultrasound that he was almost sure it was identical twins even though it was still very early. That was confirmed at the second ultrasound when he was able to see for sure that in fact there was only one placenta.
The rest of the evening we were in a sort of fog, a state of shock. I was half laughing, or half a nervous wreck thinking about it. As we drove home in our car we realized we would need a bigger one, 3 car seats would not fit in the back seat. (big bro Kevin was 18mos old at the time)
The first person we told was Grandma who was at our house babysitting. It was so funny to see her reaction, she kept saying "really?" and then looking at my stomach. I wasn't showing yet and I guess she wanted some tangible proof which wasn't there. She must have looked at my tummy 20 times. Then began the phone calls to my family. There was much excitement and some speechless moments, they were so stunned. The rest of the evening was spent with my mind racing. I'm not sure how many times I found myself misplacing something because I was so spacey. I remember putting a box of crackers in the fridge and I caught myself putting the milk on the shelf in the kitchen cabinet.
Another classic reaction was Pascal's friend Claude who upon hearing the news collapsed onto the couch in a fit of laughter. He couldn't stop laughing! We were over visiting to see their newborn baby girl. She's their 3rd child and I'm sure he was loving the fact that his best friend would soon be in the same spot!
And when we went over to see Laura's future godmother, as we walked in she said to us: "how are the 3 of you doing?" Pascal immediately answered, "you mean the 5 of us" and she came back right away with "twins?". I was impressed she figured it out so quickly, since she didn't even know I was pregnant.
It was the beginning of a new, amazing adventure. I had a lot of moments of wondering if we'd be able to handle it, how we would manage but it has (besides the double crying) truly been a dream come true! Some of the best things in life are of the unexpected variety.
In the picture above, the girls are holding dolls they received as gifts. I love these dolls because they are the exact same size the girls were when they were born. (7 weeks early) I discovered this completely by accident. One day while holding one of the dolls I put my hand on it's head and realized it was the same size as the babies' heads when they were newborn. To make sure I wasn't imagining this I actually took a tape measure and measured the head and then the length of the doll and sure enough the measurements matched perfectly with the girls at birth. They were so tiny!!
We've come along way in five years!


Anne said...

Hey Margie- don't forget when you called me in the states to say that you were pregnant, and I responded by asking you how you found out because I hadn't told anybody yet- and we both kept saying, no, I'm pregnant, no, I am pregnant- and once again, we found out that we were both pregnant at the same time! That was pretty funny! Anne

Anonymous said...

I still remember where I was when I got your phone call. I believe I laughed when you first told me....But nothing beats your "I got engaged" phone call!!


Barbara said...

Hi Margie,
That was a wonderful story; I know that you and your husband are so proud.
I loved the photo too , and the reason why they are holding these tiny dolls.
Your daughters have come a long way and I wish them tons more happiness to come.