Friday, February 23, 2007

Trip to Nancy

Earlier this week, we took the kids to the city of Nancy where they have a really nice park. Not only was the wonderful walk through the town and park an event for us (ie no need to stop for potty breaks) but the train ride there was quite the adventure for them. The last time they were on a train, Kevin was 3 and the girls 1 and we went to Strasbourg for the girls' passports. Kevin does remember that trip but it's been awhile so they were all really excited to get on board. It's about an hour train ride, and although I had brought things for them to play with in case of boredom, it wasn't necessary. They spent the time looking all around the cabin or looking outside. The time flew by. While on the train, the girls noticed a sign with a sleeping telephone and this provided them with endless laughs. It was quite amusing. They kept inventing stories about why the telephone was sleeping, and with each one, they'd laugh even harder. (one of my favorites, "mr. telephone, you really should wake up before you miss your stop") If anyone near us was really trying to sleep, I'm sure they didn't have much success! Just before arriving in Nancy they noticed a little further down in the next cabin another telephone sign but this one was awake. Again, endless giggles when they discovered it. I was pretty sure of what these signs meant but I decided to ask the ticket person. She explained to me that the "sleeping telephone" means cell phones should be turned off and the "awake phone" sign meant it was an area designated for cell phone use. Areas are no longer segregated by "smoking / no smoking" now it's "phoning, no phoning". That's progress for you! During the girls' endless fascination with the cell phone signs, my son and husband were enjoying the view from their window. Things were a little calmer on their side of the aisle.
The remainder of the day was spent walking around the town and playing in the park.
An enjoyable day was had by all.


Barbara said...

Hi Margie,
Nice to read about your family's trip to Nancy.
Nancy is a city where we " always have passed through and never visited ". We change trains there when we go to the département des Vosges, by the train.
You probably visited la Place Stanislas, which I would love to see in the future.

Yes, thoses "sleeping phone" stickers. I can understand that would be amusing for the children !! I used that space to phone home;it is still quite noisy to phone in there( trains are noisy !).
Maybe one of these days, there will be a photo of yourself, also ?

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Margie - I am a friend of Nicole (living in a second language blog) and I notice that you are from Chicago! I grew up with Nicole and during my 20's I lived on Mildred St - a side street by Diversey and Halsted and I graduated from Northwestern. Always nice to meet a fellow Chicagoan! I now live in Sonoma CA. Looking forward to reading your blog.