Saturday, May 12, 2007


I knew it would happen eventually, it was just a matter of time......I want a dog! The kids are now getting a little older, we're finished with diapers, nap time, bottles....the list goes on and on.
The time has come when I could focus on something else. This would be why I've gone back to work, but there's something missing. I grew up with a dog, and I really want my children to have the same experience. Funny thing is they're not asking for one, I'm the one thinking about it. I find myself looking intently at every dog as I drive around town wondering if that would make the ideal family pet at our house. It's a huge decision and one I'm not going to rush into. For starters, I have to convince my husband! He loves dogs but whenever we talk about the possibility, he mentions all the negatives, and I'm there highlighting all the positive points.
I came across this quiz to determine one's ideal pet:

Your Ideal Pet is a Big Dog

You're both energetic, affectionate, and a bit goofy.

And neither of you seem to mind very slobbery kisses!

And no surprises, just as I expected, my ideal pet is a large dog. These are my favorites no doubt, be it a collie (my childhood pet) German shepard, golden retriever....
But I'm leaning towards a small to medium size dog, since space here in the house is limited.
As both my son and I are allergic to cats, they're out of the question, although a cat would make Laura very happy. No, I'm more of a dog person and as it states in the description, maybe just a little bit goofy for even thinking of a pet!
I'm secretly hoping we'll hear or read of a litter of pups that are up for adoption somewhere around here. There are several farms not too far away, they always have dogs right? I need it to be a "we can't pass this up" type of opportunity.

In the meantime I'll keep researching breeds online to see what would best suit our family. I'm also more inclined to get a mutt since purebreds can have so many health problems.
Well time will tell, for now it's just running around in my brain.
And it'll probably remain like that for quite awhile.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Finally someone defending France

Read this witty and funny article by Bill Maher to learn a little U.S. and French history and see why people shouldn't criticize France so much. I'm hoping this is indication that the tide has turned and maybe it won't be quite so popular to insult France.
Some of my favorites from his article:

"France just had an election, and people over there approach an election differently. They vote. Eighty-five percent turned out. The only thing 85% of Americans ever voted on was Sanjaya."

"The American ideas of individuality, religious tolerance and freedom of speech came directly out the French Enlightenment--but shhh, don't tell Alabama."

He suggests "taking what's best from the French." He lists several things that they do very well, their healthcare system being one of them. And it sort of touches upon something I've always thought: If I could just combine the best from both countries.....ah but that's not likely to happen.

Certainly every country has it's share of problems and France is no exception as he points out, but as he also mentions, maybe, just maybe the U.S. could learn a few things from "Old Europe."

Thanks to Jennifer for posting this article on her blog.....

The Quote of the week goes to....

Pascal asking "Who wants some cheese?" Laura screams as she comes running out of her room: "Yeah, cheese, stinky cheese!!" Hmm, not sure, did she want some cheese or not?

Gotta love it.

Yes, we definitely live in France.